Thursday, April 29, 2010

Digging Deep...

Psalm 42:7 - "Deep calls unto deep."

In my quest to read through all of the Christian literature available for free through Bibles for America, I've come across a basic, but extremely profound and enlightening chapter written by Watchman Nee called "Deep Calls unto Deep".

Some quotes I highlighted:
The only thing that touches us is something that has issued from the depths of others.
If nothing comes from the depths, the help we receive is just superficial.
If we want to render spiritual help to others, (which I believe every genuine Christian does) something must issue from our depths.
Only deep calls unto deep. 
When deep touches deep, deep will respond to deep.
Though I am having some difficulty figuring out how to express what I've  read, I do have the sensation that I have touched something that came from the depths of a person that knew the depths of God's heart and lived a life that matched it.

As human beings we all have the desire to be deep beings...hence the phrase "dude...that's deep", "digging deep", etc. However, how deep am I, no really. In the light of reading such a chapter, I have the realization that even though everything may appear okay on the outside (my "leaves" so to speak are green and flourishing) there may be a lack of depth underneath the soil, the part that is just me and the Lord.
"Lord, deepen my roots and my hidden life with You."

Check out the recognition of Watchman Nee on the Congressional record in the Library of Congress.

1 comment:

jenniferfun said...

Lord make your home deep down in our hearts!