Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm just a thorn bush... but a thorn bush in resurrection!

So as I continue my journey through Exodus with the Church in Irvine, I've discovered that my capacity for reading CAN be increased, especially reading concerning the ministry of Witness Lee. Actually, growing up I hated reading, but after 4 years of college and 2 years post college at a Bible school with an intense assigned reading requirement, I've really learned to love it. You might even say it is a daily nourishment to me :) I guess that the Lord meant when he said "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4 His Word really does nourish us, but I digress...

Ok back to Exodus, according to message 7 of the Life Study of Exodus, the very God in the thorn-bush, the One who called Moses, was the God of resurrection and because this is the God that indwells us, we can declare that we are in resurrection. I know, I know, you may think that this sounds crazy but if a = b and b = c, then doesn't a = c. Follow me here... so if the God of resurrection dwelt in the thorn bush as typified by the burning bush that was not consumed and we are the thorn bush, then that means the God of resurrection dwells in me. And if this is the case, then that means that I too am in resurrection with Him. Therefore, I can declare boldly in faith that I am in resurrection because my God is the God of resurrection.

The more we speak this in faith, the more this will become our experience. My God is living, is yours? My God is in resurrection, is yours? I am in resurrection, are you? Declare it and it'll become yours too! I love my God of resurrection. :)

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Praise the Lord, A = C! Now if only that worked on multiple choices. But one thing's for certain - you and I both are in resurrection! :)