Thursday, April 22, 2010

Be simple like these pandas. Eat Eat Eat.

So the other day, one of my beloved friends forwarded this pictures to me via email. These pandas were rescued from the wilderness after the earthquake in China...and now look at them... they are totally eating it up...LITERALLY eating it up, and oh so cute doing it.

This got me thinking, at least more than usual, about how simple life can be when we stop all our doing and remember the basic necessities of life - eating, drinking, breathing. Ironic, no... more like how purposeful on His part that this is exactly what the Lord Jesus wants to be to us. He wants to be our food, drink and breath, the very things that keep us alive and allow the life in us to grow.

So these pictures coupled with a very specific fellowship I received from an older brother recovering from surgery has somewhat gotten me to stop and consider. When tragedy or difficulty come our way, (i.e. major earthquake, surgery, illness, and worst case scenario death of a loved one) we shouldn't look so much at the debilitating aspect of it all, but more like an opportunity to STOP all our doing, trying, thinking, planning... and simply depend on Him.

Dependence though we grow up hating the thought of it, actually is quite enjoyable. I mean look at these pandas depending on these lovely Chinese rescue people...don't they look happy and satisfied. I'm sure this is much easier than living independently out in the jungle having to roam around to find your own bamboo to chew on. Maybe we, mostly speaking to myself, can learn something from these cute cuddly creatures and learn to depend on our Lord at all times and for all things.

A wonderfully refreshing message I read in the Life Study of Exodus can be found here. Or you can also DL and listen to Witness Lee talk about it in the Living Stream Ministry program Life Study of the Bible with Witness Lee. "The female life is a dependent life."


  [dih-pen-duhns] (with my own commentary included) –noun
the state of relying on or needing someone (Christ as everything to us. Jehovah God who is the Great I AM) or something for aid, support, or the like.
reliance; confidence; trust (on Him): Her complete reliability earned her our dependence.
an object of reliance or trust.
the state of being conditional or contingent on something, as through a natural or logical sequence: the dependence of an effect upon a cause.
the state of being psychologically or physiologically dependent on a drug after a prolonged period of use. (We can be addicted to Jesus and His Word, rather than with so many other things out there)
subordination or subjection: the dependence of Martinique upon France.

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