Monday, May 10, 2010

When is a good thing, simply TOO much? (continued)

After a weekend of dwelling on this post, off and on, I haven't really come up with anything particularly brilliant to add, except that knowledge (in the form of information in this case) really belongs to, well... the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It really doesn't have anything to do with the other tree, the tree of life. 

Interesting contrast right?
The tree of the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil vs. the tree of LIFE.

Despite the common concept and understanding, I myself often times included in this, it's not about good vs. evil. It is about knowledge vs. life. Are you interested in knowledge or life? Knowledge can never satisfy, but life can because He is the life (John 11:25). Actually, the more knowledge we have the more dissatisfied we are. Think about it? Either you keep pursuing it to the point that the need for knowledge consumes you and you are enslaved to it. Or, as you are pursing it, you realize that it is a hopeless cause because can never know the purpose of everything until we know Life, the person that is life.

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