Monday, June 14, 2010


To be a human is to want to live for a purpose. What is the meaning of it all? Think about it. Comment if you feel so inclined.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hello again. Long time no post.

So, long time no post :( Sorry to those few out there who have been on the edge of their seat waiting for this next installment. Sometimes my motivation for writing and posting wanes because I am overwhelmed by the shear amount of stuff (ideas, considerations, questions, enlightenment) swimming around in this big head of mine. It's a scary place in there, trust me. 

Some of you might be wondering what I've been spending my time doing. Well here goes... While I've been offline these past couple weeks, I've been filling my time with...
  • Reading and researching the world of user experience and information architecture, both nerdy topics, but very much a cross section of some of my favorite topics (people, technology, psychology, design & business).
  • Designing site requirements to revamp a website.
  • Attending parts of a weekend conference held in Jacksonville, FL, but viewed by me, in So-Cal via webcast on Living a Life for the Fulfillment of God's Eternal Purpose
  • Helping my friends move out from their home across the street into a temporary storage unit & their mom's place before eventually moving into their new home in the next city over.
  • Continuing to figure out how best to reach more people online who might be seeking God and His Word. 
  • Trying to help my dear mama choose paint colors for redoing the entire house. A task to great for just a single individual, lots of hand holding required. 
  • Catching up with old friends who are starting new stages in life... Two of which are starting business school this fall. One doing a dual masters program at the University of Michigan and the other starting a journey into business academia with a PhD program in marketing at Havard Business School. (In cases you' might be reading...Congrats to you both. :))
  • Planning a trip to the Bay Area, hopefully this coming weekend. 
  • And of course, the usual... reading and enjoying the ministry of my two favorite Christian authors - Watchman Nee and Witness Lee
More enlightening and refreshing posts to come. Signing off until closer to the end of this week.